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Mon, 17 Feb 2025 1:42
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Gourmet Hamper

Bountiful Flavor

Code : GBG149

Approx. Size:

Width: 31 cm. x Lenght:41 cm. x Height: 45 cm.

The basket contains:

  1. Lotte Choco Pie Black Sugar Milk Tea 336 g.
  2. Imperial Chocolate Hazelnut Wafers 100 g.
  3. Granovibes Fit Granola Honey 300 g.
  4. Carrs Table Water Roasted Garlic and Herbs Cracker 120 g.
  5. Agnesi Spaghetti Integrali (Whole Wheat Spaghetti)
  6. 100% Organik Thai Honey 1000 ml.
  7. Temole Almond Sea Salt Chips 40 g.
  8. Instant Matcha Latte And Hojicha Latte (15 g x 10)
  9. Waitrose Raspberry Jam 454 g.
  10. Boon Rawd Farm Premium Oolong Tea 2.5 g. Pack 20 sachets
  11. Franklin Ginger Ale 200 ml.
  12. Joe's Popcorn Almond Carmel Flavor
  13. Doi Tung Latte Blend Coffee (Kaldi Brand)

Gourmet Hamper

Bountiful Flavor

Code : GBG149
Price based on delivery area START FROM
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  • Basket/container may vary slightly.
  • If a particular item is unavailable, we will substitute with equal or greater value item.
